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Choose a Package



  • FREE!

    ( Limited time offer! )
  • Unlock your potential to submit a class & offer

    • All in starter plan +
    • Submit 1 class
    • Offer deals on upcoming class
    • Add Accreditation and Certification
    • General listing support
    • Business & tech consultation



  • 60% OFF

    ( Limited time offer! )
  • Elevate your success with 1 listing and 4 classes

      • All in essential plan +
      • Submit 4 classes
      • Offer deals on upcoming classes
      • Cover image
      • Image Gallery
      • Personalized listing support
      • Business & tech consultation
      • Verified listing badge



  • 70% OFF

    ( Limited time offer! )
  • Maximize your impact to publish up to 20 classes

      • All in Pro Plan +
      • Featured listing
      • Submit 20 classes
      • Offer deals on upcoming classes